Different ways to protect your kids from the sun

Posted by ecostinger on 22nd Jul 2016

Kids are far much more delicate compared adults, especially when it comes to their skin. A child's skin is highly sensitive and exposure to direct sunlight for extended times could lead to skin complications when they grow much older, not to mention the increased probability of getting skin cancer-related health problems. Kids do not have to stay at the beach or pool for too much time exposing their delicate skin to the harmful ultraviolet rays.

Protecting children from the adverse effects of direct sunlight is very crucial for virtually all moms. Therefore, it is advisable for the mom to look for ways to ensure that their kids are adequately protected whenever they are out to end exposed to direct sunlight. There are some very efficient ways that moms ought to adopt so as to ensure the kids are not subjected to health issues related to sun exposure, especially because it is easy and failure for such care on the mom's side would be a sign of negligence.

The following article has been compiled informatively to help moms choose the best ways to protect kids from the effects of direct sunlight, especially because going out in direct sunlight is just unavoidable. The following points will prove essential to virtually all moms out there, so take your time and be informed.

One of the most efficient ways to protect your kids from the sun is as simple as avoidance of the sun. Encouraging the kids to play in the shade goes a long way in protecting the child from painful sunburns. Children can spend a lot of hours playing if they are let to, so making sure that this period is not time spent in the sun can be very helpful and affordable in preventing sunburns.

Parents should also consider covering exposed parts of the child’s skin with sunscreen. Sunscreens that are advisable for babies should have a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or above and be applied even on cloudy days. For best results ensure that the sunscreen is often reapplied throughout the day. Do not forget to apply areas such as shoulders and the back of their necks during play as they are most prone to get sunburnt when they are playing.

You should also consider covering up the kid with protective clothing whenever they are out in the sun. Putting on wear such as hats is very useful in warding off effects of UV light. It is important to consider that bright clothes transmit as much sunlight as naked skin. Therefore it is advisable to cover your kid with dark clothing with long sleeves for the most effective sun protection.

As parents, you are advised to keep a close watch on the medications that are prescribed for kids; this is because some drugs seem to increase the sun sensitivity of the child's skin significantly. To do this simply and reliably all you need to do is to enquire from the doctor if any medications may put your kid at risk of sunburns.

Sometimes it is hard to have kids playing in the shade all the time whenever they are outdoors. To counter this, it is advisable for the parents to limit outdoor playing especially during hours when the sun is hottest; this is hours between 11 am to 4 pm, this is a very efficient way, but it may be hard to have some kids play indoors.

The influence of the parent cannot be ignored in ensuring that your child adopts proper sun safety rules. Therefore, leading by example is arguably one of the most efficient ways to protect your child from the sun. Protection from the sun is necessary for all family members. Therefore, it would be much easier if you all teamed up to stay protected from the sun everytime you go out in the sun.

In conclusion, it is not hard to ensure that kids are protected from the sun. However, negligence may cause adverse effects to your child's health now and in their future. Adopting the above tips will be great to ensure that your child is protected from the pains of sunburns and probably cancer issues that may affect the child during their adulthood. The above article has been compiled with adequate research for parents who are outgoing. Make sure that you protect your child's largest organ for it is arguably very important to the life of any person whether a kid or grown up.