
New Zealand Beautiful Beaches and Jellyfish Attraction

Posted by ecostinger on 8th Apr 2018

Jellyfish are beautiful swimmers, but they pose a significant danger to human beings. The sea organisms contain nematocysts in their tentacles that they use to protect themselves. Therefore, if you are tempted to touch one, it will deep its tentacles into your skin and deliver venom. The bite usually is painful and will require immediate medical attention to remove the tentacles and counteract the poison. New Zealand is one country that has some of the most beautiful beaches which attract many international and domestic tourists. It is, therefore, prudent that you are aware of the beaches that have got the highest infestation of jellyfish during which seasons so that you avoid them. One can decide to keep clear of such beaches or put on full body cover swimwear.

The jellyfish are more common when there is a spike in the water temperatures of the New Zealand beaches. The period between November and February when temperatures get to around 19 or 20 degrees; attract a lot of jellyfish at the beaches especially the blue bottle jellyfish and the lion mane jellyfish. Such a situation makes visiting certain beaches a risky affair since the coming of the jellyfish coincides with the period when many visitors tour the beaches. However, research has revealed that three main beaches in New Zealand face the risk of a high number of jellyfish during the summer.

The first location with a likelihood of jellyfish infestation is the Maunganui beach. Many people report seeing jellyfish eggs at the beach when the temperature rises slightly. Since the jellyfish travel with their eggs, it is evident that when one spots them, they are also in the vicinity. This situation implies that visitors should be very cautious of being bitten by jellyfish during the summer in Maunganui Beach.

The second beach to beware of is the Mount Main beach. It shares almost similar geographical properties as Maunganui beach thus it stands a higher chance of being infected by Jellyfish too. Further, there have been previous reports of the lion mane jellyfish in the beach. Such a type of jellyfish can be deceiving to the viewers since it is big and looks beautiful in the sand. Many that occur in New Zealand beaches are the sizes of larger dinner plates or the wheels of 10-speed bicycles.

Wellington South coast beaches are also a host of the crystal jellyfish which is rampant during the warm climate. Studies indicate that the crystal jellyfish are harmless. However, since many of these organisms resemble each other, it would be a terrible idea to interact with any one of them without expecting to be bitten. For instance, the crystal jellyfish radiates a blue light which makes it almost similar to the bluebottle jellyfish.

75% of the fatalities arising from jellyfish stings are cases that could have been prevented. When you go swimming in a new area. It advisable that you put one full body cover swimwear. The material of the suit should resemble aspects of the human skin so that the organism will sting it and flee thinking it has attacked a human being. In case the jellyfish bites you should not use vinegar to calm the pain. Instead, wash the stung area with warm sea water.