Precautions In Open Water Swimming

Posted by ecostinger on 18th Aug 2016

The adventure attributed to swimming in the open water is a refreshing experience which depends on your awareness and knowledge on how to manage the risks attributed to the experience. Swimming in open water is dangerous because it has many hazards and with a danger of drowning and injuring yourself. Hence it is prudent to take the relevant precautions that will make your swimming experience enjoyable. When you are aware of the risks, and you clearly understand how to manage them, then you will probably have satisfied and rejuvenating swimming in open water adventures. Besides, there are many fears attributed with swimming in open water, and they are real. This swimming entails an encounter with the currents and tides as well as the water temperatures that may be cooler than those in the swimming pools hence you need to learn and understand how to deal with such occurrences appropriately. Hence, here are the precautions in open water swimming.

Don’t go for swimming alone

It is highly recommended to go for swimming in the open water with a fellow swimmer. You should never swim alone in the open water because you may be trapped in an unexpected encounter that you will require help but you won’t get it hence may be very dangerous. You fellow swimmer will help you when you encounter a creature of the deep waters or an unexpected current. You can also consider a friend who is riding a powerboat or kayak because he will be of importance when disaster strikes and you cannot save yourself from the situation.

Check the temperature of the water

Most open waters that are suitable for swimming have been proven to be cooler than the expected temperatures hence they may be very shocking and hazardous. The waters in the pools have been considered to have temperatures that range from 79-85 degrees, however, the open waters always have lower temperatures than those on the pools which may subject you to the risk of suffering from hypothermia and pneumonia. The water in the open water may cause your blood to rush to the core which will make your arms and legs to be useless hence you will not be able to swim out of any danger and may cause loss of life. You can consider swimming with a wetsuit when the water is not very cold, but you should be keen on the temperature changes so that you can know if you will have to stop swimming or otherwise that ensures your safety.

Know and understand the sea creatures and the water condition on the swimming area

You should consider identifying the type of sea or water creatures that may be found in the open water place you are going to swim. You should consider analyzing whether there are jellyfishes, nettles, sharks among other creatures that may be dangerous. You should consider the fact that the sting by a jellyfish is very dangerous because they can cause a rash or itching and sometimes you can encounter a killer shark that is very dangerous. Moreover, the water may have an unacceptable level of bacteria’s that are always carried by storm water. You should also be cautious because the water may be very dirty and contaminated hence will increase the risk of developing health complications. You should also have a strategy that you will use when you encounter a dangerous animal in the water.

Consider the weather of the place

Many factors attributed to the weather can affect the water conditions hence you should be keen on the weather situation. The winds always tend to create the surface waves which may be dangerous when it finds you when you are swimming. Moreover, the storm water can alter the clarity and the temperature of the water which will pose serious health conditions on your body. When you are thinking of swimming during the cold and icy conditions, then you should consider acclimatizing your body to the cold water before swimming. You should also be keen on the warm springtime weather which has been proven to cause the water to move faster and makes them very cold.

Consult the lifeguards

Many open swimming water places have lifeguards who take care of the place and to rescue people when they are trapped in any danger. You should consider consulting them about the temperatures of the water and safety measures such as the currents and the weather that you should consider when swimming in the water. They lifeguards will also rescue you when you swim in a place that you never expected to be and you somehow feel you have been trapped.