Special Protection Clothing Needs For Persons With Skin Condition

Posted by ecostinger on 30th Dec 2015

Our bodies are different in shape, size and also how they react to change in the environment. Some will have adverse and others favorable reactions to such changes. There are different vulnerable groups which may require special protection clothing needs. Such groups are persons with skin condition, persons with skin allergy, the elderly, the infants and the disabled. Manufacturers have been able to meet these special clothing needs by carrying out research on ways of how to reduce to reduce vulnerability of such groups.

Special UV Protective Clothing needs for persons with skin condition against the sun ultra violet rays has been developed through continuous research. One would need to understand relationship between the sun’s rays and the skin so to come up with special clothing, which will protect the skin against these rays. When shopping for special clothing needs, one would need to asses different factors. Normally, there is a swing tag on the clothing indicating the ultraviolet penetration factor. A UPF factor of fifty plus is recommended. A checklist of what one should watch out for when shopping for such clothing is first by considering the fabric structure. If it is tightly knitted or woven then that means less penetration by the Sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Another factor to watch out for is the tension of the fabric. Over stretching the fabric means easier penetration of the rays. When doing shopping for special clothing needs, one should consider the right size. The clothing should not be so tight. The sun protection clothing should have good layering. Good layering in this means that the clothing should be thick enough to increase protection against the rays or any other condition one is allergic to. Color of the special need clothing should also be taken into consideration when doing shopping. It is imperative to note that some colors absorb these rays faster than others. Darker colors preferably should be considered to brighter colors. Moisture of the fabric is directly related to rate of absorption of sun ultra violet rays. When you put on wet fabric clothes, they may end up absorbing much more rays into your body. A person should always ensure you put on dry clothing to avoid being at risk. Also choose a fabric which will dry quickly. Proper care should be taken on these special need clothing. For optimal protection, fabric clothes should provide UVA and UVB radiation protection.

People with skin allergies have in the past suffered a series of irritations followed by frequent scratching. This group of people has special clothing need. As a result of trail of research carried out by clothes manufacturers, it will be in order to confidently attest that people with skin allergy condition have a reason to smile. The issue of going all over shopping for hypo-allergy special clothing need is an issue to be forgotten now. Skin allergy can be caused by increased exposure to environmental pollutants, chemicals and materials found in clothing, disinfectants, cleaners, sun and metals. Special clothing need for people with skin allergy condition is made of pure cotton compared to normal clothing whose main components are irritants and other special dyes. Some years a group of researchers who were mainly dermatologists proposed that special clothing need for people with skin condition would be best managed by cotton clothing.

In the recent, multinational companies have been seen to support for equal treatment of all persons. This has been witnessed by clothing manufacturing companies designing special need clothing more so targeting those with physical disabilities. Take for instance a person with a dis-formed leg. Clothing companies have made it easier for such persons to place specific orders. Such gestures have boosted self-esteem and confidence of such groups and now these companies can take pride on this. Companies have also been seen to support people with albinism by manufacturing special clothing need which minimizes this vulnerable group exposure to sunlight ray. Such clothing as wide-brimmed hats, long sleeved shirts and long trousers help level down exposure to the sun.

More research should be done to ensure people with special clothing needs are fully taken into consideration. Now you know more about special needs clothing than you did yesterday.

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