
Guide to Spend a Sunny Day on Beach Smartly

Posted by ecostinger on 21st Jul 2015

With the arrival of summers, every beach lover is hopping onto their vehicles to enjoy the shore and the waves. The golden sunshine and the cool sea waves are desired by every beach goer and due to th … read more

Coronado Central Beach - Coronado, California

Posted by ecostinger on 9th Apr 2015

Coronado name is derived from Spanish which means “the crowned one” and its also know “The Crown City”.Coronado Beach is a 1.5 mile long, wide sandy beach with a silvery sheen sand. The beach is very … read more

Stinson Beach - Stinson Beach, California

Posted by ecostinger on 9th Apr 2015

Stinson Beach is located in Marin County, California, on the west coast of the United States. It is located 2.5 miles (4 km) east-southeast of Bolinas. It contains a long clean beach, where the cold … read more

What Is The Difference Between Stinger Suit, Dive Skin, Wetsuit, Drysuit and Dive Suit?
Stinger Suits and Dive Skins are suitable for warm and lukewarm water temperature; while Wetsuits, Dive Suits and Drysuits are more suitable for cool and cold water temperature... Read more.