
Vitamin K

Posted by ecostinger on 14th Nov 2014

Vitamin K is named after the German word for blood clotting “ koagulation”.Vitamin K makes a variety of unique contributions to our health. It is a group of fat soluble vitamins known as “qui … read more

Sun Protection Clothing To Protect You

Posted by ecostinger on 15th Aug 2014

For many of us, spending the day in the sun is an everyday occurrence. Wearing sun protection clothing is a wise choice to protect our skin when you are outdoors. It’s also a good idea to use … read more

What Is Sun Protective Clothing

Posted by ecostinger on 15th Aug 2014

You may feel that wearing normal clothing can protect you from the sun UV radiation; but this is not true. Not all sunscreens provide the same sun protection and not all sunglasses provide th … read more

Guidelines For Skin Protection

Posted by ecostinger on 14th Aug 2014

When it comes to skin protection, the most important tip one could give you, would be to tell you whether you are young or old you should take all necessary precautions to prevent ultraviolet … read more

What Is The Difference Between Stinger Suit, Dive Skin, Wetsuit, Drysuit and Dive Suit?
Stinger Suits and Dive Skins are suitable for warm and lukewarm water temperature; while Wetsuits, Dive Suits and Drysuits are more suitable for cool and cold water temperature... Read more.