
Self Tanning Gel Spray And Tanning Lotions

Posted by ecostinger on 6th Dec 2014

There are different ways of tanning, sun tanning, bed tanning and self tanning. Some consider self tanning safer, faster and can achieve a beautiful tanning without getting burnt. According to … read more

Vitamin E

Posted by ecostinger on 10th Nov 2014

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient found in many foods. It acts in the body as an antioxidant and helps to protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are compounds form … read more

Sunscreen how and when to apply

Posted by ecostinger on 22nd Oct 2014

Many recognizes the importance of sunscreen and how it protect the skin from the sun's ultra-violet radiation.  Anyone over six months old can wear sunscreen which must contain sunscre … read more

Nanoparticles in sunscreen may harm marine life

Posted by ecostinger on 9th Sep 2014

One of the most recent studies that sunscreens containing nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide may react with sunlight and harm the phytoplankton which is a tiny plant found … read more

What Is The Difference Between Stinger Suit, Dive Skin, Wetsuit, Drysuit and Dive Suit?
Stinger Suits and Dive Skins are suitable for warm and lukewarm water temperature; while Wetsuits, Dive Suits and Drysuits are more suitable for cool and cold water temperature... Read more.