Sunscreen how and when to apply
Posted by ecostinger on 22nd Oct 2014
Many recognizes the importance of sunscreen and how it protect the skin from the sun's ultra-violet radiation.
Anyone over six months old can wear sunscreen which must contain sunscreen protection factor (SPF)
minimum 15 for adults and minimum 30 for kids. It is important to apply sunscreen 30
minutes before being exposed to the sun to give time to penetrate the skin and must re
The Sun And Vitamin D
Posted by ecostinger on 24th Sep 2014
Vitamin D is not like
any other vitamin, it is a substance that the body converts into a hormone and your body can generate it from sunlight.
Vitamin D keeps your
blood pressure low, reduce inflammation, helps the immune system to improve and
its a beneficial for keeping your heart healthy. Some studies shows that it fights
off cancer as well. The common use of vitamin D is
for bon
Safety And Protection When On The Beach
Posted by ecostinger on 14th Aug 2014
Even with all the known risks of tanning, it seems many still see it as a
must do and so they head off to the beach to enjoy some summer rays.
Both men and women feel sexier and healthier wearing the natural glow of
a tan. Enjoying your time at the beach can be safe with the right
protection. The key to tanning is avoiding a sunburn by making sure your
skin is properly protected. 
UV Radiation
Posted by ecostinger on 14th Aug 2014
The most common place where you can be over-exposed to the sun UV
radiation is on the beach, therefore a special type of sun clothing is
required which can give you the right skin protection and the freedom
you expect to feel when spending your day swimming, sailing, surfing or
simply walking on the sands.
The ozone protects Earth from harmful UV radiation. Ozone depletion and