What is Parasailing?

Posted by ecostinger on 14th Oct 2018

Once you've seen others sailing through the air, it's difficult not to be fascinated and wants to give the parasailing experience a try for yourself. So what is parasailing? Parasailing is a recreational activity that involves an individual towed by a boat while connected to a canopy wing specially designed. This canopy wind is called a parasail wing. The harness links the pilot securely to the parasail, which is attached to the boat. The boat then zooms off, carrying the wing or parascender and individual into the air. If a powerful boat is used up to 3 people can be lifted simultaneously.

For a lot of people, watching others parasail is mesmerizing. Soaring effortlessly attached to a gorgeously designed parachute certainly looks like a lot of fun! However, not knowing what to get out of the experience can restrict some people from taking part in such a beautiful time. Although recreational activities do possess some degree of risks, parasailing is one of the safest ones anyone can be a pet of. As a matter of fact, even kids from age 6 and above, as well as seniors in their eighties can even enjoy this activity safely.

How Does it Work?

So what is to be expected from parasailing? The best way for it to be understood would be to separate it into phases from beginning to end. The part you've already read in the middle phases, the aspect of soaring through the air. Knowing what happens at the start and the end will help you understand this recreational activity better.

Planning for the Experience

If you've been to the beach and you've probably seen some parasailing services on the shores. Hence, the initial step in ensuring you get a quality experience is to locate the best company. The best parasailing company will utilize quality equipment, as well as great experience. All services will differ so find the best one that will keep you at ease. With nothing to worry about, your flight will be more fun.

Another aspect of planning for the experience is to look at the weather forecast. This is necessary because if the weather isn't right for flying, you'd have to reschedule.


You will most likely not be the only person on the boat, as most boats carry about 12 individuals. Of these, any amount could be onlookers or fellow parasailers. Typically, it takes approximately one hour thirty minutes while on water for all participants to have their turn.

A member of the crew will have a life vest fitted on parasailing swimsuit. This is a hazard precaution and not to scare you. Contemporary parasailing methods allow for landing and takeoff on the boat deck. It's basically left to you to decide how wet you want to get or if you don't want to at all.

Once it's time for you to get into the air, you will be placed in the seat by the few and secured firmly using a harness. This harness is solely for keeping you in the seat and does not relate to having the parachute steered. If you are parasailing with 3 or more people all your partners will be fastened with you. However, in addition to the maximum and minimum weight limits, the wind and water condition is used to determine the appropriate weight for sailing. So sometimes it will be impossible for more than one person to be attached.

The Launch

The launch is an aspect of the experience that varies greatly dorm most people's imaginations. Although they may have seen others parasail, they have nothing but the imagination to hold on to during the launch. It is usually a smoother process than expected. A winch, used just like a fishing pole, pulls up the chute into the air from the boat without any jolts, meres or bumps.

Parasailing technology has rigorously been improved and tested for years. And the Winch system is the safest method currently used.

The Flight

This is certainly the most exciting part of this magical activity. As soon as you get to the destination height, which is a few hundred feet, everything appears in a new perspective. A lot of people see this as a very relaxing and peaceful moment.

The Descent - A Dip or Not

As the flight comes to this end, and the descent begins, beforehand you have informed the crew if you want to be dipped into the water before the boat landing or not. Whatever the decision you will get as much water as you desire. The decent is very smooth, the winch working like a fishing pole, reels you into the boat gently. No slamming the boat or water crashing, just a very gentle process, that places your feet on the ground.

What to Wear? Parasailing Swimsuit

You may have seen parasailers in swimwear over water. If you decide to go for a swimsuit, they provide maximum comfort. This is because a parasailing swimsuit is produced with a quick dry technology, that will allow you to go in and out of the water in total complete. They are usually made from polyester with the option of mesh lining. However, if you do not want to get into the water you may not need to wear one but you still better off having full body cover swimsuit to protect against the sun UV radiation.

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