Keeping Beaches Clean For Healthier Environment

Posted by ecostinger on 7th Oct 2014

Beaches can be a treasure to collect valuable and delightful things especially for people who likes to seek and search for provisions but some objects may be harmful and dangerous, example some sea creatures or human left over such as sharp objects or rusted metal, needles, etc…. But there are always exciting and unexpected sea items to find like mussels, fish, and caviar which is salted eggs of sturgeon used as delicate food and even in cosmetics ingredients, or other seafood which plays an important role in our health and immune system. Also, there are seashells, pebbles , pearls which can be used for accessories and decoration.

Taking good care of our beaches which is a good source for stress relief, entertainment and enjoyment for all members of the family encourages healthy living.

How to keep beaches clean?
Do not throw waste! this is a major problem that threatens most beaches around the world. Many people volunteer to pick up tones of rubbish, example in the UK more than 400 beach cleaning events take place annually where volunteers armed with a pair of garden gloves and a rubbish bag roam beaches and remove all type of waste. They are not only helping to keep beaches clean but also collecting essential data about the types and volumes of waste that wash up on our shores. 

Type of harmful waste!
Plastics are the most common type of waste collected on beaches. Plastic breaks down into such small segments that pieces of plastic from one liter bottle could end up on every mile of beach throughout the world. Plastics that floats can drift for years before eventually concentrating in the ocean circuit and it takes 500-1,000 years for plastic to degrade. Also we can find a lot of disposable lighters and especially cigarette butts.

Sea life health has dropped and most people haven't recognised this as yet. Spiders, crabs, lobsters, sea urchins, to name few are decreasing. Many of the rubbish are sitting in the bottom of the sea and affecting the sea life.

Living near beach is one of the healthiest way of living. It’s a natural way of life style. The food is always fresh and organic, the air is fresh too, the relaxing sound of waves help us to lower our stress level and you can find many activities to do.

The beaches are our playground so take a small step and help our environment by picking waste and keep beaches clean.

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