Pack Your Bags for Heading to These Exotic Summer Destinations

Posted by ecostinger on 9th Jul 2015

With the arrival of summer, each one of us starts fantasizing about beaches, surfing, swimming, stylish swim suits, and the sensuous bronze tan. However, when one sits out to plan their upcoming summer holiday; the whole world looks inviting. Here, choosing one destination can be really difficult and confusing. Getting accompanied by a pair of sun-protective swimsuit with at least UPF50+ guard is also important.

So, whether you are a true lover of the beaches, a water sports enthusiast, a fashionista who just can’t wait to flaunt her new swim wear or someone just thinking about spending some relaxing time on a sea side villa of an island; here is a list of top beach destinations to make a decisive choice:

Submerge in the Beauty of Seychelles

No matter whether it’s an artist, a celebrity, a snorkeling lover, or a photographer; they all have Seychelles on the top of their beach holiday list. The sparkling sand with the backdrop of the ancient granite boulders creates one of the most spectacular scenery. The crystal-clear water of Seychelles is protected from the ocean’s waves by a reef. Don a sun-protective swimsuit that can save you from sea lice and jellyfish stinger while taking a dip in the ocean.

It Can’t Get Better Than Bora Bora, Tahiti

The Bora Bora Island is the crowned beauty of French Polynesia in the South Pacific. This lush strip of white sand shores lies in a protected lagoon, which is just 18 miles long and has a magical uniqueness. With its isolated beaches, intimate hotels, and quiet atmosphere, Bora Bora becomes the ideal destination for romance. Don’t forget to wear a sun-protective swimsuit while indulging in beach fitness activities.

Soak in the Sun at Luxurious Beaches of Maldives

When it comes to pampering your own senses while losing yourself in the beauty of nature, there can be no better destination than Maldives. At Maldives, each desire and fantasy of your perfect summer holiday will come true. For blissful pleasure, put on a UVA protective swimsuit and enjoy the radiance of the sun.

Relax Yourself in Lanikai Beach, Hawaii

Due its soft sand, sparkling crystal-clear water, endless sunshine, lush greenery and preserved aquatic life; Hawaii offers one of the most scenic beaches like, the Lanikai. Here, the clean and clear water makes it ideal for enjoying surfing or a calm swimming experience. A sun-protective swimwear that resists 97.5% UV rays adds to the overall experience.

Feel Cheerful Vibes at Hamptons, New York

The Hamptons is an ideal holiday destination and is one of the prettiest beaches of the Long island. The carefully preserved shoreline begins around Southampton and runs eastwards to the end of the island at Montauk. Get ready in a trusted sun-protective swimsuit and enjoy hours of endless beach fun!

Spending summers holidays at these serene locations will relax both, your body and soul. While enjoying beach fun activities or swimming, it is important that you protect your body from the harmful UVA & UVB rays of the sun by wearing a sun-protective swimsuit. Enjoy the sunny radiance, of the beaches, but do not let it harm your skin!