
The Reason Your Skin Loves Salt Water!

Posted by ecostinger on 26th Sep 2019

Does the ocean impact our skin? Have you ever wondered what happens to your skin when you're out at the beach. Aside from getting a nice tan, you're skin actually changes when you enter sal … read more

Summer Diet For A Healthy And Protected Skin

Posted by ecostinger on 24th Jul 2017

Summer is the time when your skin, has to bear the greatest brunt. After all, the sweltering heat could readily take the toll on your skin; marring its appearance and turning it all dull and scaly. Ne … read more

How to Minimize The Risk Of Skin Cancer!

Posted by ecostinger on 24th Jul 2017

Skin cancer comes in two types, non-melanomas, and melanomas. Melanomas typically account for just four percent of identified skin cancers, yet they are considered to be the most deadly. Melanomas tak … read more

What Is The Difference Between Stinger Suit, Dive Skin, Wetsuit, Drysuit and Dive Suit?
Stinger Suits and Dive Skins are suitable for warm and lukewarm water temperature; while Wetsuits, Dive Suits and Drysuits are more suitable for cool and cold water temperature... Read more.