Swimming And Water Sports Activities

Posted by ecostinger on 25th Dec 2014

Swimming is an extremely ancient sport which dates back to the pre-historic period. It has references since biblical times (2000 BC to be specific) as the most common recreational activity. Development of swimming as a competitive sport began around 1830s in England and has been the most fun experiencing event ever since. It’s extremely enjoyable and fun-filled sport activity and can also be used as a stress buster.

There are tons of recreational activities you can explore when it comes to water sports; swimming being the base of it. From fitness to fun, swimming contributes a lot! Additionally there’s a lot of stuff you can do under and over water. Which ever water sports you enjoy doing, it is essential to stay safe at all time especially protecting the skin against the sun UV radiation which can cause skin damage and in worst scenario skin cancer. Wearing sun protective swimsuits, such as full body stinger suits and sunsuits can protect the skin all day long. Also for other beach and outdoor activities, it is important to wear sun protective clothing which provide upf50+ protection that blocks over 97.5% of the sun UVA and UVB radiation.

Under Water Sports:


It majorly is a sea based activity and is practiced at the surface. It is usually equipped with a mask, fins and a short tube which is also called the snorkel.

Scuba Diving:

This is a total under water activity. The diver is equipped with scuba or a self-contained breathing apparatus. The diver is supposed to move under water using fins that come along with the apparatus but also a propulsion device can be used to give the push and direction necessary. Scuba diving is carried on in deep seas and is used to experience and watch under water life, the flora and fauna and to explore them. It’s an extremely enjoyable activity but is subscribed to be done under professional guidance.

Water Polo:

Water polo is a team sport and is played in four quarters and two teams. Each team consists of six players and a goalie. The sport is highly challenging yet enjoyable as it is played under water.

'Under Water Rugby’ and 'Under Water Hockey’ are also some sports played in the same manner, using teams and playing in waters.

Water Aerobics

The word water aerobics is self explanatory. It is aerobics practiced under water; mostly in shallow waters like swimming pool. It is a fitness driven activity and carried out in groups in aquatic centers.

Water Sports On The Surface:


Here a person is pulled using a rope or extension by a boat or a cable ski installation over the water surface. This sport requires a considerable stretch of water body to ski on. This is an amazing experience and again needs professional guidance.


The most carried out recreational activity is surfing. The surfer is supposed to ride on the forward deep face of moving water. The waves are meant to be in such a direction that they carry the surfer to the shore.


Boating is another common recreational event which is practiced commonly and is majorly in regards with observing the scenic beauty and exploring nature. Power boating, sailing etc are the further types in boating. This is fun activity which can be carried out in seas as well as lakes etc.


This sport is usually done in rivers using inflatable rafts. This is a team activity and requires a lot of endurance to tackle the rough edges of the waters beneath. It is basically a type of leisure sport.

Boat racing:

Boat racing is carried out since the ancient times as a part of the recreational activities and sports. It started in Egypt and is gaining more and more attention since then. It essentially consists of oars to guide the speed and direction of water. Again, it is a group activity and requires a lot of team work.


Canoeing is basically a paddle sport in which the group sits facing each other in opposite directions. The deck is called the canoe. A single bladed paddle is provided to propel the direction. It was earlier used as a means for transportation but is now considered as water based sport and a recreational event.


Also known as 'crew’, rowing finds its origin in the Egyptian civilization. It is based on propelling a boat using oars and a needs a bigger group than the rest water activities. Races are also arranged across many continents when it comes to rowing. It is extremely enjoyable and a fun activity.


It is also known as 'parascending’ or 'parakiting’. In this a person is usually towed by a vehicle when attached to a canopy shaped like a kite or a parachute. It is not at all like paragliding since the person has little or no control over the parachute. It is basically just a fun activity.

Water Skating:

It majorly involves a skate board which can be glided over the surface. It’s an adaptation of wakeboard which contains a board manufactured from fiber glass. This is an extensive and famous sport but a tad bit dangerous and should be watched under professional supervision.

Water sports and recreations are extremely useful stress busters and fitness enhancers. They help a person’s psychological as well as physical well being.