
Which Sunscreen to Use and Which to Avoid?

Posted by ecostinger on 27th Oct 2014

As widely known, the sun is necessary for nature, humans and all living objects. Every living thing on earth needs sunlight to live. Balancing between enjoying the sun, staying safe and protecting our skin is essential for a healthy body. Governments all over the world issue warnings and alerts advising about the danger of the sun and exposure to UV radiation which may cause skin cancer, al …
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Sunscreen how and when to apply

Posted by ecostinger on 22nd Oct 2014

Many recognizes the importance of sunscreen and how it protect the skin from the sun's ultra-violet radiation.  Anyone over six months old can wear sunscreen which must contain sunscreen protection factor (SPF) minimum 15 for adults and minimum 30 for kids. It is important to apply sunscreen 30 minutes before being exposed to the sun to give time to penetrate the skin and must re …
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Healthy Skin Care

Posted by ecostinger on 21st Sep 2014

Our skin is the largest organ of our body. As we take care of our other body organs like.... we must take care of our skin which protect us from bacteria and viruses, also help regulate our body temperature and permits the sensations of touch, heat and cold. We must keep our skin healthy to avoid wrinkles, sunburn, skin damage and even skin cancer. Healthy skin keeps infections away. …
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Skin Sunburn

Posted by ecostinger on 9th Sep 2014

A  sunburn is a form of radiation burn that affects the skin, that results from over exposure to the sun ultraviolet radiation. The UV radiation that damages the skin can also damage the eyes.  Sunburn may damage the skin and may cause skin cancer so we must be aware of UVB as well as UVA . We must take into consideration that the UV rays can bounce off water, …
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