Can Skin Care Affect Acne Development

Posted by ecostinger on 24th Dec 2014

Skin caring can play a minor role in how acne develops. Nevertheless it is still essential in treating it, and to have a good and healthy skin in general.

Some believe that a good scrub will help prevent acne. However, this has little effect on whether acne develops or not.

Scrubbing in general roughens and more often dries out the skin. Harsh scrubbing of skin exposes lower layers, which then have to develop a protective coating of oil and outer dermis. In the mean time, the skin is exposed to contact bacteria. The skin is our first defense against particles of all kinds. Removing multiple layers of it doesn't help keeping good healthy skin.

A more gentle washing with a soft cleanser is more healthier for the skin. Be thorough. Since acne can occur on shoulders, back and chest as well as the face. During mid-day and in the evening, a mild cleaning from underneath the jaw to the hairline is helpful.

While natural skin oil have a role in developing acne, removing it is not beneficial. Sebum helps keep skin flexible, which discourages micro-cracks from forming. These can allow bacteria to pass through cracks. It also keeps the skin moist and not becoming excessively dry, which can again lead to small cracks in the outer layers.

Shaving is always a challenge for acne skin, of course. Men's faces are the hardest problem to solve. Electric razors help solve it, but even they can nick the skin, especially when it contains blemishes. There's no substitute for patient, careful movements. Using a pre-shave softener or cream before shaving can help, too.

For women, there are other helpful recommendations.

Makeup selection and variety is easier these days. There are numerous formulations that address the possibility of acne. They are designed not to clog pores. Going light on the foundation can also help. Subtle cheek blush is better than slathering it on. Look for makeup labeled 'non-comedogenic'. 'Comedones' is a general term for the most common types of mild acne, including blackheads and whiteheads.

An over-the-counter antibacterial can help prevent acne, but is most helpful after it has developed. But follow the directions. Over medicating can lead to clogged pores and damaged skin, exactly the conditions that tend to promote acne.

Keeping pores open in order to allow for natural oil movement and shedding dead skin cells is key to minimizing outbreaks. Proper skin care practices aid both.

Avoid the sun when possible, since UV radiation can irritate and damage the skin, which can lead to more acne and even worse scenarios. Protecting the skin is essential for overall healthy body. Drinking lots of water and keeping skin moist can help in keeping skin elastic and flexible and forms a strong protection layer against the environment and protecting against bacteria.

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