
Swim Safe by Proofing Yourself Against Harmful Sea Creatures

Posted by ecostinger on 14th Jul 2015

Beaches and seawater provide people the opportunity to indulge in recreational activities like swimming, snorkeling, deep-sea diving and water sports. All these activities whether performed in the close vicinity of the beach or in deep waters offer chances of close encounter with sea creatures. Some of these creatures might pass by your side safely, while others might be dangerous and their sting can inject poisonous venom in your body. To enjoy safe swimming in sea, we strongly recommend that you to wear a high-performance swimsuit that provides protection from the harmful aquatic creatures.We will discuss about some ocean creatures, which are popular threats to swimmers and people diving into the sea. This includes:

1. Stingrays – Stingrays are usually calm creatures, but they get frightened easily and get buried inside the sand of shallow water in order to safeguard themselves. If by chance you step on them, they will lift their tail’s barb to induce venom into your body. The sting of a stingray is very painful and demands immediate medical assistance. It is advisable to wear a sun-protective swimsuit that is capable of offering protection from harmful stings. To avoid stingrays it is best to:

Swim in designated swimming area only.

Shuffle your feet while walking in water, this will decrease the chances of stepping on them.

Wear a protective swimsuit - most importantly to safeguard your feet against the stings

2. Jellyfish – Jellyfish is found in a variety of sizes and as they are colorless you must keep a sharp eye on them. Although jelly fish looks very calm, but if you come in contact with their tentacles then you are likely to get stung. The sting of a jelly fish is very painful, but it does not cause a serious medical condition. To protect yourself from jellyfish you should:

Wear a protective swimsuit that resists jellyfish and their sting.

If stung by them, seek immediate help from lifeguards who will help in relieving the pain caused by the sting.

3. Sharks – There have been some cases where swimmers have encountered sharks too. Firstly, it is best to know the region of the sharks and ensure that you never foray into it. Secondly, never swim in cloudy or murky water. Equally important is to stay away from areas with a history of shark invasion.

4. Stonefish – The stonefish is greenish-brown in color and it has many venomous spines on its back. Due to its stone-like appearance, this fish can be hard to spot. To avoid contact with stonefish we recommend that:

When you are wading in shallow water or strolling during low tide, shuffle one foot in front of the other to disturb the sand or shoreline. This gives the stonefish time to move away.

Also, stay away from the rock bunds.

Before entering the sea, it is imperative to research about the sea creatures, which are generally encountered by people. We must be aware about the preventive measures in order to avoid them diligently. Here, wearing a high-performance swimsuit that flaunts the potential to effectively deal with stings of harmful sea creatures becomes indispensable. Please take a moment to browse through our list of protective swimwear that shields against harmful sea creatures and the UV radiation of the sun.